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Chapelle Saint Front de Colubri, Lalinde

Chapel dedicated to Saint Front that dates back to the 8th century

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Although it is believed to have dated back to the eighth century, Father Goustat wrote in 1883 that this building could date back to VIII, XI or even the fourteenth century. It has been repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt in part or in whole over the years. 

Situated across the Dordogne river from Lalinde, the chapel offers views down to the Dordogne and over the surrounding countryside as it is situated on a small cliff face. The chapel is dedicated to Saint Front who is said to have rid the area of a fearful dragon, or serpent, hence the name, Chapelle Saint Front de Colubri, colubri meaning serpent in Latin. Said to be a 'man-eater' the creature had the body of a snake, a dragon's head and a huge tail. It was thrown from the top of the cliff by Saint Front and the chapel was then erected on the site in his memory.


Map of the surrounding area